Laboratory Services
Laboratory Services
Our laboratories have the capacity to test the engineering properties of concrete, soil and asphalt. While maintaining AMRL and CCRL accreditation in areas of hot bituminous asphalt pavement, aggregate, soil and Portland cement concrete, our technicians provide accurate results using state-of-the-art laboratory testing equipment in a timely fashion. Please contact us to know more about these and other tests.
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Soil Laboratory Testing
- Swell or Consolidation (undisturbed) (ASTM D 4546)
- Swell or Consolidation (remolded) (ASTM D 4546)
- One Dimensional Timed Consolidation (ASTM D 2435)
- Grain-size Analysis, 6 inch to the No. 200 sieve (ASTM D 422)
- Grain-size Analysis for minus No. 200 sieve wash (ASTM D 1140)
- Hydrometer Analysis (ASTM D 422)
- Plastic and Liquid Limits (ASTM D 4318)
- Natural Moisture Content and Dry Unit Weight (ASTM D 2216)
- Specific Gravity (ASTM D 854)
- Unconfined Compression (ASTM D 2166)
- Direct Shear Tests (ASTM D 3080)
- Resistance R-Value (ASTM D 2844)
- Water Soluble Sulfates
- Compaction Tests-Standard (ASTM D 698)
- Compaction Tests-Modified (ASTM D 1557)
- Relative Density (ASTM D 4253 and 4254)

Concrete Laboratory Testing
- Compression Tests, Standard Cylinders (ASTM C-39)
- Flexural Tests (Beams) (ASTM C-78)
- Tensile Splitting Test (ASTM C-496)
- Modulus of Elasticity Test (ASTM C-469)
- Setting Time Test (ASTM C-403)
- Shrinkage Test (ASTM C-157)
Asphalt Laboratory Testing
- SHRP Gyratory (Includes Unit Weight)
- Marshall Properties (3 Specimens), ASTM D 1559 (Includes Unit Weight, Stability, and Flow)
- Maximum Theoretical Specific Gravity, ASTM D 2041
- Immersion – Compression Test, ASTM D-1074-1075
- Lottman Test, CP L-5109
- Extraction/Gradation, Ignition
Aggregate Laboratory Tests
- Sieve Analyses
- ASTM C-136 Coarse Aggregate
- ASTM C-136 Fine Aggregate
- ASTM C-117 Material Finer Than #200 Sieve (minus #200 sieve wash)
- ASTM D-422 Hydrometer Analysis
- Atterberg Analyses ASTM D-4318
- Los Angeles Abrasion Test
- (1½” maximum) ASTM C-131
- (3” maximum) ASTM C-535
- Sodium Sulfate Soundness (5 cycles)
- ASTM C-88 Coarse Aggregate
- ASTM C-88 Fine Aggregate
- Magnesium Sulfate Soundness (5 cycles)
- ASTM C-88 Coarse Aggregate
- ASTM C-88 Fine Aggregate
- Soundness Test For Filter Rock (20 cycles)
- Specific Gravity
- ASTM C-127 Coarse Aggregate
- ASTM C-128 Fine Aggregate
- Organic Impurities
- ASTM C-40Fine Aggregate
- Friable Particles
- ASTM C-142 Coarse Aggregate
- ASTM C-142 Fine Aggregate
- Lightweight Pieces
- ASTM C-123 Coarse Aggregate
- ASTM C-123 Fine Aggregate
- Soft Particles ASTM C-851 Coarse Aggregate
- Sand Equivalent AASHTO T-176, ASTM D 2419
- Fractured Faces – Coarse Aggregate
- Flat and Elongated Particles – Coarse Aggregate
- Unit Weight ASTM C-29
- Moisture Content
- ASTM C-566 Coarse Aggregate
- ASTM C-566 Fine Aggregate
- Effective Size, Uniformity Coefficient (with sieve analysis & calculations)
- Potential Reactivity Test (Chemical Method) ASTM C-289
- Salt Content
Masonry Units Laboratory Testing
- Bricks
- Compressive Strength (Set of 5) ASTM C-67
- Absorption: 24 Hour Submersion
(Set of 5, ASTM C-67) - 5 Hour Boil
- Modulus of Rupture (Set of 5) ASTM C-67
- Efflorescence (Set of 5) ASTM C-67
- Freeze-Thaw (Set of 5) ASTM C-67
- Initial Rate of Absorption (Set of 5) ASTM C-67
- Acid Solubility (Set of 5) ASTM C-67
- Concrete Masonry Units Compressive Strength ASTM C-140
- Hollow Block (Set of 3)
- Absorption Analysis (Set of 3)
- Masonry Prisms Compressive Strength
(ASTM E-447) - Block, Hollow Prism (up to 8” width)
- Block, Grout Filled (up to 8” width)
- Block, Hollow Prism (over 8” width)
- Block, Grout Filled (over 8” width)
- Brick, Hollow Prism
- Brick, Grout Filled
- Mortar Cubes Compression Strength (ASTM C-109)
- Fireproofing
- Density and Moisture Content
- Other Specialized Testing – Inquire

Soil Cement Laboratory Testing
- Mix Design
- Freeze Thaw Test, ASTM D-560
- Wet Dry Test, ASTM D-559
- Compression, ASTM D-1633