Automated Data Collection

AGW’s goal is to improve road maintenance and pavement management practices and policies by improving the condition of the street network, or to keep it at the current level, by using more effective resources. This is done by focusing on the following targets:

  • Diagnosing paved streets using new non-destructive testing methods
  • Changing maintenance policies from reactive to a more proactive approach so the appropriate treatment can be applied before serious pavement distresses appear
  • Improving pavement maintenance by applying more adequate and cost-effective techniques

These techniques allow our engineers to focus on repair measures so potential problems can be addressed at the root. AGW’s project team is committed to providing efficient and effective services so the street network can be properly evaluated for future planning.

Services Include

  • Collect vast amounts of data using automated nondestructive methods
  • Road Doctor® CamLink system allows analysis of pavement distress/damage in real time at driving speed and confirmed by digital video
  • A 3D accelerometer mounted on the rear axle of the vehicle is used to collect surface roughness data to calculate the International Roughness Index (IRI) of the pavement
  • 2D laser scanner to evaluate rut depths and evaluate surface of the pavement
  • GPS capabilities for georeferencing locations and assets
  • Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) unit equipped with horn antenna and ground coupler antenna to survey pavement structure depth
  • Road Doctor® software products for data collection, handling, and processing
  • Identify pavement distresses for both asphalt and Portland cement concrete pavements
    • Longitudinal, transverse, block, alligator, edge cracks, etc.
    • Faulting, corner breaks, spalling, linear cracking, etc.
    • Rutting depths, patching, potholes
  • Determine Pavement Condition Index (PCI) in general conformance with ASTM D6433
  • Determine International Roughness Index (IRI) in general conformance with ASTM D
  • Drainage and cross-sectional slope characterization
  • Inventory traffic signs and assets by GPS georeferenced locations

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) – GPR data can be used to interpret existing pavement thicknesses including, asphalt, concrete, underlying base course, pavement irregularities, and subsurface texture and moisture variations using nondestructive means.

Pavement Deflection Testing – AGW owns a falling weight deflectometer (FWD) JILS-20, which is manufactured Foundation Mechanics, Inc. Our FWD machine is calibrated on a yearly basis. We utilize FWD equipment to record pavement deflections used to estimate the structural strength parameters of pavements and the underlying subgrade materials.

Our local experience sets us apart from other out of state consultants. We are more experienced in local practices, materials, and pavement behavior. We work hand in hand with local municipalities to solve pavement maintenance challenges.

Please contact Pedro D. Manriquez for more information at or (303) 759-8100.

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